Medieval Watercolor palette
Here's my palette and breakdown of each section based on material-- I've been focused on collecting so much I haven't painted much with it yet, but I'll be getting around to that soon!
I'm a big fan of medieval manuscripts, I think they're beautiful-- and so this is my attempt at recreating something useable for watercolor using the same pigments they would have used! (minus some of the leads haha)Disclaimer?
This palette's constructed to the best of my ability as a hobbyist watercolor pigment nerd with an interest in the medieval period and those 2 things overlap to make this.
Whether this is striving to be an accurate Medieval Manuscript palette or a just one that could have hypothetically existed, I haven't decided.
There's a dedicated section at the bottom for a couple of pigments that are a bit of a stretch at the bottom. (I might change things up if I ever make up my mind!)
Substitutes are mentioned for pigments that are difficult to get ahold of (not offered by any major paint brand)
Watercolor Palette (Hover for brand names/ pigment numbers!):
Currently there's a hole in the palette for a green I'm hoping to get my hands on, I'll fill it in once I own it!
I have a few different places I've gathered this information from, some places include:
- A modern translation of the well-known Cennino Cennini's Il Libro Dell'arte by Lara Broecke.
- The Medieval palette-- a webpage covering a lot of medieval manuscript colors.
- "An Overview of Medieval Pigments" a presentation by Marion's Medieval Musings.
- A wonderful collection of scans of medieval illuminations, with a great lab section.
- "Shining light on medieval illuminations: pigments through the ages" a talk by Andrew Beeby, a Professor of Chemistry at Durham University.
- One of a few sources on the use of egyptian blue in medieval manuscripts.